
水族派對(Aquarium Party)內部設置有刪除賬號功能,具體位置在:設置->刪除賬號,當用戶提出刪除賬號申請的時候,我們便會刪除開放平臺數據,如果您只需要刪除部分數據,請 Email 聯係我們



You can delete your account, or remove certain personal information, by logging into your Game account. If there is any other personal information you believe we process that you would like us to erase, please email us at

Data Retention
We will retain your personal information as described below (except if otherwise required to be retained by applicable law).

Personal Information Use
Nickname We use this information to create your account for the Game in accordance with your request.
Social Connect Information:WeChat Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game (i.e. until account deletion in accordance with your request or you revoke access to your social media account) and then deleted within 30 days.
Social Connect Information:Facebook Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 15 days.Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
Chat Communications (Audio message) Stored for 7 days on our servers and deleted automatically upon expiry of such period.
Chat Communications (Text) Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 7 days. Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
OpenID Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 15 days. Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
IP Address Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 15 days. Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
Device ID, Device Information Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 30 days.Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
Advertising ID Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 15 days. Where you do not request for account deletion, such data will be retained for 1 year after the Game is shut down, before it is deleted.
Transaction Records Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game (i.e. until account deletion in accordance with your equest) and then for the duration of any retention periods for which such data must be retained in order to comply with our legal obligations.
Customer Support Ticket ID & User Communications with Support Support data is deleted within 30 days of a lawful request from you for the erasure of such data (see the Erasure section of this privacy policy).
Security-Related Information Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Game, until account deletion in accordance with your request, upon which it will be deleted within 30 days.
Survey Information Stored for: (a) if you provide your email as part of the survey, up to 6 months (in order for us to follow up with you) and then the data is anonymised; or (b) if you do not provide your email as part of the survey, up to 1 month and then the data is anonymised.

Personal Information is kept until the end of its life cycle (as set out in the retention policy above). When destroying personal information, measures will be taken to make the personal information irrecoverable or irreproducible, and electronic files which contain personal information will be deleted permanently using a technical method which makes the files irreproducible.
In the event that the processing and retention period have terminated, but personal information is required to be retained continuously for other reasons including for the purposes as prescribed under applicable laws, the relevant personal information will be stored and maintained separately from other types of personal information. If you require us to destroy your personal information before the end of its life cycle (as set out in the retention policy above), we will destroy your personal information in accordance with local laws.